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Autoflower cannabis seeds are perfect for beginners due to their unique traits. Growing them is straightforward as they bloom without human intervention. Autos flower without following light cycles, unlike photoperiods that follow light cycles.

These seeds are popular among new growers and those who want a hassle-free experience. Autoflowers are also ideal for people who live in areas with brief summers, as they take less time to grow. The shorter life span allows growers to enjoy two or more harvests a year.

Before using autoflower cannabis seeds, learn their traits, benefits, and how to grow. We’ll also show you where to get the best seeds.

What are autoflower cannabis seeds?

Autoflower cannabis seeds have unique traits you can’t find in other seed types. Breeders create them by crossing indica and sativa strains with cannabis ruderalis. This cultivar is native to Russia and Central/Eastern Europe.

Due to the region’s harsh climate, the ruderalis blooms without needing light changes. The resulting hybrids transition from vegetative to flowering as they mature. This trait makes autos perfect for short summers.

Growing autoflower cannabis seeds like Miss DNA requires little maintenance compared to photoperiods. You don’t have to set a light schedule to trigger flowering when cultivating indoors. The convenience makes autos ideal for new gardeners. The shorter cultivation process allows growers to have more than one harvest every year.

Benefits of autoflower cannabis seeds

Here’s why autoflower cannabis seeds are popular.

From seed to harvest in record time

Autos have a quick turnaround time. The seed-to-harvest cycle takes about 10 weeks. It’s possible to enjoy buds early and up to four times a year.

Perfect for beginners and busy growers

Autoflower cannabis seeds are resilient, allowing them to thrive in less-than-ideal environments. They’re perfect for busy gardeners, as autos are low-maintenance. You also don’t spend time managing light schedules. Autos are also resistant to common pests and diseases. 

Multiple harvests, maximum yields

Autoflowers produce lower yields but make up for it with more than one harvest. You may enjoy impressive yields under ideal growing conditions. Get feminized autoflower cannabis seeds for a hassle-free experience. You don’t have to waste time removing the males.

Find your match: Selecting the best autoflower strains

Choosing autoflower seeds depends on your experience, goals, and growing conditions. They’re perfect for beginners as they require less care and forgive mistakes. Follow this guide when selecting your seeds:

Beginner's paradise: Easy-to-grow autoflower strains

These strains are perfect for new growers. They make cultivation easy: HG23 AKA Michael Jordan Auto: HG23 is beginner-friendly, as it’s robust and resilient.  Patrick Swayze Auto: Cultivating this strain is straightforward. It has a quick blooming cycle. 

For the connoisseur: High-yield and potent autoflower options

Looking for high-yield and potent strains? These are ideal: Purple People Eater Auto Seeds: This cultivar has dense buds, 20–25% THC levels, and a flavorful profile.  MacMelon Auto: An autoflower that provides abundant yields of high-potency buds. 

A world of flavor: Exploring diverse autoflower genetics

Autoflowers offer diverse flavors depending on the strain and terpene profile. Some include spicy, citrus, berries, and diesel. These strains offer delicious flavors that will entice your taste buds: Tangelope Kush: Enjoy a citrusy tang with earthy undertones and an enticing fragrance.  Honey Banana S1: You’ll enjoy this tropical fruit strain with delicious flavors.

Indoor oasis: Mastering autoflower cultivation indoors

Growing autoflower cannabis seeds indoors is excellent if the climate isn’t conducive. Start with quality seeds from reputable suppliers like DNAGenetics. You don’t risk getting duds that ruin your cultivation. Germinate your seeds in a moist space before transferring them to the soil. Use a nutrient-rich and well-draining substrate. When setting up your growing area, the following elements are vital:

The power of light: Optimal lighting for autoflowers

Since autoflowers don’t depend on light cycles to flower, you can follow an 18/6 or 20/4 light schedule. Use quality LED lamps in your room.

Climate control: Temperature and humidity

Maintain a room temperature around 70–85°F and a 40–50% relative humidity during the growing process.

Feeding your autoflowers: Nutrient requirements

Provide your autoflowers with plenty of nitrogen during the vegetative stage. Switch to a phosphorus and potassium mix when they’re flowering. 

Nature’s way: Growing autoflower cannabis seeds outdoors

Growing outdoors is excellent if the climate is suitable. Follow these tips to benefit from your outside garden.

Location, location, location: Choosing the perfect spot

Place your auto plants where they get 12–16 hours of direct sunlight daily. Protect them from wind, which can damage their branches. Position your pots away from public view to avoid issues.

Mother Nature's moods: Dealing with the elements

Growing outdoors has its challenges. Prepare to deal with temperature fluctuations. During harsh conditions, move your plants inside. Although autoflowers are pest and disease-resistant, protect your plants and monitor them regularly. 

Soil secrets: Preparing your outdoor grow bed

Autoflower cannabis seeds thrive in light, airy, and nutrient-rich substrates. The soil should provide nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients for healthy growth.  Choose pre-fertilized cannabis plant mixes to ensure a balanced nutrient profile. Avoid over-fertilizing to prevent nutrient burn. A soil pH of 6.0–7.0 is vital to influence nutrient uptake. Add beneficial microbes to help enhance absorption and improve root health. Loamy or sandy soil is ideal. It provides excellent drainage, preventing waterlog and root diseases. Plants can access nutrients easily.

Watering wisdom: Hydrating your outdoor autoflowers

Proper watering techniques are vital. During early growth stages, maintain consistent moisture without saturating the soil. Water gently around seedlings, avoiding direct contact that could damage them. Let the soil dry out before watering again. Overwatering can cause root rot. Monitor temperature and humidity as they affect the water absorption rate.

The final countdown: Germination, harvest, and curing

Here are some tips for a bountiful harvest:

Bringing life to seeds: A simple germination guide

Germination is vital to getting healthy plants. A common method is using towels. 

Knowing when to harvest: Recognizing the signs of maturity

The buds are ready for harvesting when they’re thick and full of resinous trichomes. The color becomes cloudy and some turn to amber. 

The art of curing: Enhancing flavor and potency

Curing is critical to preserve cannabis potency and terpenes. Your buds stay fresher and longer. It also enhances the aroma and flavor.

Frequently asked questions about autoflower cannabis seeds

Want to know more about autoflower cannabis seeds? This section covers the questions many people ask, and our answers.

What is the downside to autoflowering seeds?

Autoflowers aren’t perfect. Due to their short lifespan, they tend to produce lower yields. You may incur higher lighting costs, providing your plants with 18–24 hours of light.  Their short growth cycle doesn’t allow recovery time. Avoid training techniques if you’re new.

Who has the best autoflowering seeds?

We’re not bragging, but we have the best autoflower cannabis seeds. We’re one of the world’s most reputable seed vendors, with over 20 years of experience.  We commit to quality and consistency in our breeding program. We select and test every variety to ensure you get the highest quality genetics. Check out our selection of the seven best indica auto seeds.

Do autoflowers grow faster than feminized?

Autoflowers have a shorter growth cycle due to their ruderalis genetics. Feminized seeds don’t refer to their development speed. They’re created to produce all-female plants. Their life cycle depends on whether they’re photoperiods or autos.

How long does autoflower cannabis take to grow?

Autoflower cannabis seeds can go from seed to harvest in 8–10 weeks. 

What are feminized autoflower seeds?

Feminized autoflower seeds grow into female plants. There aren’t any males. All of your crop produces buds. What makes these seeds unique is their shorter development phase. You enjoy harvests in about 8–10 weeks.

Where can I buy high-quality autoflower seeds?

The best place to buy autoflower cannabis seeds is from online stores. It’s convenient. You can shop around for the best deals from the comforts of your home. Only buy from trusted vendors. Ensure they are established and have an excellent record. You can rest assured that their seeds will germinate and grow into healthy plants.

Start your autoflower experience today 

Choose autoflower cannabis seeds if you’re a beginner or want a straightforward cultivation. Autos grow into resilient plants and are pest-resistant. You don’t need experience to manage them. They’re also forgiving of beginner mistakes. You don’t need a lot of space, as the plants are compact. They’re perfect for a discreet garden.  They produce buds as they age and have a short growing cycle. You can harvest at least two times a year. Get feminized auto seeds to enjoy more buds, as all your plants are bud producers. You don’t have to remove the males, making your grow hassle-free. Using quality seeds is vital. You can get them from established vendors like us. Check out our collection of autoflower cannabis seeds to start your journey.